Caterpillar, one of his favorites.
So today I am trying to get everyone up to date as to where all the kiddos are. Hence the tons of blogs in one day, playing a little catch up, wished I would have started one of these sooner. Better late than never, right?
So Sage has been seeing Ms. Yoli (Yolanda) since he was 2 years old. She is with the Creative Home Programs for children. She comes to the house every Tues. for one hour to play and interact with Sage doing activities of all shorts. We noticed around the time Sage was a little over one and a half that he wasn't saying as much as other children, speech wise. We found out he has a speech delay. He was evaluated and rated off the charts cognitively. The only thing is he's not talking much. His vocabulary consisted of Ma (Mom) Da (Dad) nana (animals) vvroom (the sound anytime he sees a vehicle) and ball. We are proud to say that with in his own time he is now saying, Hi, Mom, Mama, Dad, Dada, ball, bus, choo, choo, Bob, yes, eye. This is huge for us especially since in the beginning he would refuse to even try to say anything out of frustration. I believe in many way's the Lord is teaching us something. Patients for one thing has been huge. Sage was sent to us and we were blessed with him and his sister for a reason and there are many other ways to communicate than verbally. I think being that he was our first child and we had nothing to compare to, we were woried. I love the sound of his little voice and look forward to many more words to come in his time.
Like typical boy's he is obsessed with cars, trucks, buses, trains. He loves watching cartoon's, Max and Ruby, Thomas the train, Pinky Dinky Do, Wubbzy, Franklin, just to name a few of the favorites. He likes to torment his sister's but is quick to give them kisses and hugs. He loves Pb&j sandwiches, carrots, fruit snacks, goldfish, veggie crunchies, turkey dogs, lunchables to name a few. I am so blessed to be Sage's mommy and cannot believe he'll be 3 in December. Everyday with him brings something new to experience.
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