Friday, September 26, 2008

Embracing Everyday

Our lives are filled with so much joy. Look at these three beautiful children that we have been blessed with. All of you who are parents know all too well the sad reality of how quickly our children grow. It's a bitter sweet. Sage will be three on December 17, 2008 and Aja and Sydney just turned one August 23, 2008. I cry some days out of nowhere at the simple fact that my children are growing and becoming little individuals (or maybe because I am huge ball of emotion from time to time, that little thing called "being a woman"). Aaron always reminds me that they will always need me. We try to bask in the sunshine of our children's faces everyday, no matter how busy or tired we may get Aaron and I make the conscious decision to enjoy our family and our time together. This blog is intended to keep family and friends up to date on things going on in our lives and to have for the kids to look back on one day. I hope you stop by from time to time and check things out. Enjoy!

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