Look how tiny they look compared to Aaron
One year later, happy birthday girls!
August 23, 2008 The Girls turned one year old
Wow this year has really flown by. After going from a family of three to a family of five just like that means you are double busy. I try to enjoy every minute to it's fullest with my family and friends. I look back at pictures of the girls when they came home. They were five weeks early and had been diagnosed with TTTS (Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome). Aja weighing in at 3.10 and Sydney at 5.7, which is amazing granted how many complications can arise from TTTS. They were in the NICU Aja 14 days and Sydney 12. Aja just needed to get her weight up and Sydney did have a little bit of a breathing problem and was put on a CPAP machine. They were both amazing and such little fighters.
Then there was the nasty colic and gripe water, dark Karo syrup, gentelease formula and the sound of the vacuum standing upright and running was the only things that seemed to help sooth our poor babies from being so uncomfortable. I would feel guilty with the constant bottle propping because I still had a toddler to take care of that needed my attention. Aaron was home with me for three months, a month while on bed rest in the hospital before the delivery and two months after the girls came home. He was my saving grace, I couldn't have done it without him and thank God to have him as my husband. There was never any hesitation and he stepped right up to the plate with our new expanded family of five.
Since then Aja and Sydney have grown and become two different little individuals. I am so blessed and cannot say it enough. They are crawling I like to call it speed crawling and pulling themselves up on everything and will be walking in no time soon. They fight with one another pull barrettes out of each others hair, steal toys away from one another, oh yes, girls and sibling rivalry.
When I look at all three of our children's faces and see nothing but genuine love, happiness and complete trust it melts my heart . I think all of those sleepless nights, feeling drained and like we were the only ones going though this, the loading three kids in and out of the car to run a simple errand, was all and still is so worth every minute of it. They'll only be this little for so long and I want to savior every minute of it, the good and not so good some days. They have made me a better person and they have taught me and will continue to teach me so much. I can only hope that when they're old enough one day,they will never for a moment question how much Aaron and I love them and remember us always being there for them.
1 comment:
WOW! What a cool way to stay up on our family. We are so proud of you guys.
Thanks Danielle for being you.
Love to you all
G-Pa and G-Ma Greer
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