Monday, October 6, 2008

The Magic School Bus

So lately Sage's obsession has been school buses. Everywhere we go he can spot one from a mile away. Of course that goes along with, dump trucks, trash trucks, UPS trucks, Sunline buses, he's all boy! Plus "bus" is one of Sage's new words that he had began saying. So it was so exciting that today with my Mom's Club we got to go have a tour of the school bus yard. You can imagine how excited Sage was to not only see one up close but get on not one but three different buses, he had such a great time. They started with the oldest and biggest bus on the yard, then the kids got to take the handicap lift onto the small bus and then we got on one of the newer buses that has seat belts. We had such a fun afternoon, it amazing the joy you get as a Mother to see something so simple that makes your child so happy. Can't wait for the girls to get a little bigger and to see what they start expressing interest in.

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