Sage with Mommy before the run

Keri, Rici, Me and Sage

Sage with my number on 208

GiGi with the girls, can you believe she has 6 great grandchildren already!

Banpa (Grandpa) and Sage

Uncle Kenny and Auntie Kris feeding Aja some banana pudding

Auntie Michy and Aly

Me and the amazing husband Aaron ( oh yeah I cut off 7 inches of my hair!)
Happy Thanksgiving!
We had a wonderful day today celebrating with friends and family. Our day started with me running the Martha's Village and Kitchen 5K run/walk. The rain ended up passing and it was a gorgeous morning. There was a huge turnout and it was such an amazing way to start the day for such a great cause. Aaron and Sage came out to cheer me on while Great Grandma and Mom and Dad stayed home with Aja and Sydney. I ran a 3.1 mile in 32 minutes, not too bad since getting back into my workout routine. Great way to burn the calories before the feast.
After that we came home and started getting ready for dinner. I do the turkey, ham, stuffing, salad and my giblet gravy. Mom, Grandma and I divide everything up and that makes it a lot less stressful for one to prepare everything. The food was amazing as usual and Mom made a homemade banana pudding to die for! We are so blessed to have such an amazing family and friends and we are truly reminded when brought together at times like this of just how extremely rich our life is. I love having a full house and the kids eat up the attention that they can't always get from me. Plenty of hugs, kisses, book reading and playing with trains to go around. One of the things I'm trying to be better at is not feeling guilty for not being able to always give my children a lot of constant one-on-one time. That's why it's always so nice to have family over.
We'll put up our tree and decorations tomorrow and enjoy a relaxing day at home. Thank you everyone that was apart of our Thanksgiving celebration, we love you all!