Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Preschool Musical Performance

A lot has gone on in the last several weeks and I'm finally doing an update. On June 11th Sage celebrated his last day of the 2008-2009 preschool year at Ronald Reagan elementary. They put on a musical performance for all of us with refreshments afterwards. Ms. Maria had asked a couple of weeks earlier to bring in a plain white t-shirt for our child. They decorated them with bubble bee's on the front that had each child's name next to a bee. On the back it read "We'll always Bee Friends". Sage has improved so much with his speech and I cannot thank our gracious God enough that Sage was placed in Miss Maria's class. She is an amazing teacher and Miss Vandna and Miss Heidi her TA'S are wonderful and so great with the kids as well. He is learning so much, talking so much and just growing up way too fast. We are so proud of him and are excited for a so many more exciting chapters in his life. Now he is in preschool summer school until July 8th. Then he'll be out for the summer for a month. So we've decided swim lessons would be a great idea.

Sage doing a dancy dance

Sage presenting the H-A-P-P-Y song

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