Sunday, May 31, 2009
Living Desert Trip
Sage and Caleb at the train set
Sydney loving on Aubrey
The UPS station:)
Sage and Caleb again, boy was it tough getting both of them to look at the camera :)
A big horn sheep the boys spotted
Sage petting the smallest breed of Python
We had been wanting to make a trip to the Living Desert before it got too warm out so we headed over last week with our friends the Ritz. Janette, Aubrey and Caleb joined us for some fun. Sage and Caleb stayed at the train set for the first hour before we set out to see some animals. It was a wonderful day! Thank you all for sharing it with us!
Memorial Day
All of us enjoying our beautiful Sunday brunch
The beautiful patio
Looking up at the top of the Mission Inn
Our birthday desserts they brought us
Grandpa and his girls (my dad and his glasses)
Every year we do an annual Sunday brunch at the Mission Inn in Riverside to celebrate the four birthdays in May. This year it happened to fall on Memorial Day so it was extra special and we couldn't have asked for more beautiful weather to be sitting out on the lovely patio.
Monster Trucks
Sage with his new monster truck
Eating popcorn and wearing his new hat
Here come the trucks
Last week was such a busy week and now I'm playing catch up with my posts. The kiddos had a little bit of a cold but Sage was feeling better and Aaron and I thought he would have a blast seeing the Monster Truck show in Indio, what little boy wouldn't right?! His favorite part were the motor cross bikers that were doing jumps from ramps 70 ft. apart. At the event the emcee was throwing hats into the stands and a gentleman behind us caught one and gave it to Sage. It was such a nice gesture and Sage was thrilled. We love to take time to have just the three of us spend time together. It was a fun and loud night!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Girl's will be girl's
Boy's will be boy's
Sage having fun in the planter on the side of our house that is not quite a planter yet. It serves as a parking lot/mud pit for many little outside trucks and tractors, Sage loves it. This day he was outside playing and decided to turn the hose on by himself, it was on full blast when he called for me, notice the mud splatter, I love that face!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Mother's Day Weekend 2009
Relaxing before dinner
The view from our room
Sydney my precious baby girl
Having fun in the sun, eating some snacks
Our beautiful babies
Aaron surprised me with a local getaway weekend to the Marriott Desert Springs Resort. We stayed overnight while my parents watched the kiddos. We checked in and relaxed in the lobby and had some drinks and appetizers before dinner. The weekend was full of surprises, it was such a relaxing, well needed and much appreciated weekend with my wonderful hubby, I love you Aaron thank you! Then when we got home later the next day, we played in the backyard with the kids and enjoyed our family time together.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
4 year Wedding Anniversary

Aaron and I have shared a life together for nine years now and today is our four year wedding anniversary! Four years ago in Hawaii Aaron and I married with a group of 10 family members and friends. It was perfect and I wouldn't have changed a thing. I love you Aaron. You're the very best thing that's ever happened to me. I know I've said it before, but with every year that passes, I realize again just how true it is. I can't imagine what my life would have been like without you. You've brought so much that's warm and good and fun into my world, and I want to do the same for you because nothing makes me happier than seeing you happy. You're an amazing husband , father and friend, I love you, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!
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